When visiting a shrine or temple, there are several important yet simple steps you should follow to show proper respect and good manners.
The first rule to observe before visiting a shrine or temple is to ensure you are dressed appropriately and conservatively. Women should avoid wearing beachwear or outfits suited for a nightclub, while men should refrain from wearing shorts or singlets. It’s important to dress modestly and avoid loud, attention-grabbing attire. Additionally, hats should be removed when entering any indoor space.
If you are unwell, visibly sick, or have an open wound, it’s best not to visit a shrine or temple, as such conditions are considered impure.
Take care to walk slowly and be aware of what others around you are doing; this will help you follow the proper procedures. If you have visited places of worship anywhere in the world, you’ll likely recognize many of these expectations, as they often revolve around common courtesy, respect, and common sense.
Once inside the temple or shrine, keep noise to a minimum. Speak as quietly as possible, and be considerate of those who are there to pray or reflect. Avoid running or performing any hasty actions, as shrines and temples are meant to be peaceful, tranquil places.
Upon entering, you may encounter a purification fountain. Here, you should fill a ladle with water and rinse both your hands. It’s customary to also rinse your mouth, which you can do by cupping water in your hands and gently drinking from them.
Photography is generally allowed outdoors, but many temples do not permit photography inside the buildings, especially if using a flash. If no signs indicate this, observe the actions of the locals, as they often provide a good indication of what is considered respectful.
At most temples and shrines, you will be asked to remove your shoes before entering. Look for shelves where shoes can be stored, or sometimes bags are provided to carry your footwear. You may also notice a raised threshold as you enter the temple. This should be stepped over, not walked on, as stepping on it is considered disrespectful.
It is important not to pass in front of anyone who is praying at the altar or before an idol, as this can interrupt their connection. Instead, walk quietly and respectfully behind anyone who is engaged in worship or prayer. To show your respect to a sacred object, simply toss a coin into the offering box, followed by a brief moment of prayer.
Many temples offer incense or osenko for purchase. To use this, light the incense for a few seconds, blow it out, and then gently wave the fragrant smoke toward yourself.
The temple will likely have an offering hall. Here, after tossing a coin into the offering box, perform two deep bows, clap your hands twice, and bow again. Afterward, stand still for a moment and pray. Some halls may also have a gong. In that case, strike the gong before pausing to pray.