100 Yen Shops, or Hyaku-en Shoppu, are among the best places to find a bargain in Japan. These stores offer exceptional value and often surprisingly unique products—all for just 100 yen, making them an absolute steal.
There are several major 100 Yen Shop chains across Japan, with the largest being Daiso, Can★Do, Seria, Watts, and even Shop99, which prices many items at 99 yen. These stores stock an incredible variety of items, including clothing, stationery, household goods, toys, food, and drinks. They’re also a great place to pick up Hello Kitty or Pokémon-themed souvenirs for friends and family back home.
Daiso Industries Co. Ltd. alone operates over 3600 stores in Japan, opening an average of 40 new locations each month. With their growing popularity, the 100 Yen Shop concept is expanding across Asia and the rest of the world.
Things to Keep in Mind
One thing to watch out for is that the 100 yen price is usually before tax, so you’ll need to factor in Japan’s consumption tax, currently at 10%. However, even with tax included, the prices remain highly affordable.
The secret to the 100 Yen Shop’s success is high-volume sales. These stores source products from low-cost manufacturing countries like China and Brazil, allowing them to keep prices low while still making a profit. While most items are great deals, some products—especially food—might not always be cheaper than what you’d find elsewhere. But for 100 yen, who’s complaining?
Many 100 Yen Shops are small, similar in size to a large convenience store, but in major cities, some locations span multiple floors, rivaling large department stores. You’ll find them everywhere—inside subway stations, shopping arcades, street corners, and large shopping complexes.
A Traveller’s Best Friend
For travellers, 100 Yen Shops can be invaluable. They’re fantastic places to grab cheap batteries for your camera or Walkman, affordable souvenirs, toiletries, and even snacks. The store layouts tend to be strategically designed, with food and drinks placed at the back, ensuring that shoppers pass by countless irresistible bargains along the way. Who could say no to Hello Kitty toilet paper or chopsticks decorated with adorable puppies—all for just 100 yen?
A Word of Caution
While many items offer incredible value, quality can sometimes be hit or miss. For instance, some stain removers might leave stains rather than remove them, detergents may not clean effectively, and clothing might have loose stitching or buttons. However, there are still plenty of fantastic deals to be found if you choose wisely.